Thursday, January 6, 2011

Winter arrived..

 We finally got a little snow here!

Marc got a chance to use his 'new to him' snow blower.

And Parker got to take a ride in Landon's sled...

and he happily tried out his new wagon.

Photo Shoot with Parker and Landon
 (again, Marc was thrilled with the matching shirts - ha ha)

Parker is almost 6 months, it just blows my mind how fast time is going by.  I had been warned that this would happen, but  there was just no way to prepare for it.  I love that he is growing, but find myself rocking him a little longer these days... just holding on while I still can.  He is now rolling all over the place, and is sitting on his own frequently. His diet still consists of mostly formula, but he LOVES his oatmeal!  He has tried sweet peas, green beans, pears and prunes.  He enjoys all, expect for the prunes (who can blame him!).  He is still a pretty serious kid, but finds a lot to smile about, thankfully.

Random shots: